"Hawaii? That's in China right??"

Roommate Pics on the Brooklyn Bridge!!! (Right at the edge of our mission boundaries lol) 

Aloha Family a me Friends!

One month as a missionary and one week in the mission field. Dang life comes as you fast. Never have I ever walked so many stairs, taken so much public transportation, or have felt more accomplished each and every day. I've learned that the greatest feeling is climbing into bed feeling just straight up exhausted and thats how I know that I gave it everything I had that day. No regrets at all.

"Rain drop drop top" ft. Sister Ellis and her rap chips.
Ok thats the extent of my rapping (for now)
Life in the Bronx is like none other: cars driving by with bass pounding so hard I think I may go deaf, people dancing and singing in the streets, and people just doing their own thang. I've been loving every single minute of it. Every time we go outside it's a new adventure as I meet people from all over and hear their stories. In the ward I am serving in we have six sister missioanries, four elders, and a senior companion. Let me tell you, as missionaries we sure do stick out like sore thumbs haha most people here don't know where Hawaii is or they think it's in China or they think I'm from China. Hence my subject of this email. I'm so mixed. I love it.

Living here has definitely been a humbling experience as I go and teach people of all different backgrounds. I have never been more grateful for my family, the gospel, my education, my home Hawai'i nei.  

- Sister Combe likes to run too!! HALLELUJAH! Ran outside for the first time and it felt amazing. In all the hundreds of miles that I have ran in my lifetime never would I have thought I'd be running past some projects and the Yankee Stadium at 6:30am. Pretty sure we make up the morning running community here. Any and all are welcome to join lol 

- Just met another girl named Hennessey! We bonded real quick

- Ate a members home this past Sunday and he continued to put more ribs on my plate. Lol he said he knew I could keep eating and I mean he wasnt wrong at all! 

- Took a trip to Manhattan today for our P-Day and it was AMAZING. So many buildings and cool places. Had lunch at Central Park. If I was serving there Im pretty sure I would easily go broke because of all the ono (delicious) looking places to eat at. Also life there is a lot faster than life in the Bronx. It was nice to come back. 

Do!!! Cookie dough :) (ps my food pics never end sorry not sorry)


Spiritual Thought: 

52 Behold, my beloved brethren, remember the words of your God; pray unto him continually by day, and give thanks unto his holy name by night. Let your hearts rejoice.

Remember to pray to God and to remember Him and all that He has blessed you with every single day. Rejoice! Rejoice! Let your hearts rejoice! There is SO much to be happy about in this life. Time is too limited to just wade in saddness. We were made to be happy and joyful in this life time. Find joy in the small things, in the big things, and most importantly in Christ.

Wrote this really quick since time is ticking...hopefully there arent too many typos haha 

ALSO its my sisters 10th birthday this week on Friday so if you see her please give her a big hug! Love you lots Abby girl :) 

Me ke aloha, 
Sister Ellis