Happy New Yurr!!

Aloha family a me friends, Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!! Well. Had one of the fastest weeks of my mission to top off one of the fastest years of my life (so far ;). Was it because of Christmas Day? Then Boxing Day (yep official Bermudian holiday where you box up your leftovers and give them out)? Or President and Sister Teuscher coming down for vacation *oh I mean quarterly visit*? Who knows. Honestly. It was probably the triangle. Nothin' new lol. Familiar family traditions in the holiday seasons of spending time with food and family in Hawaii, buying fireworks early on Dec 26, going semi-pyromaniac on Dec 31, pounding kalo...have been overshadowed by the root of all traditions. And that is: remembering Him. A tradition is something repeated and has reason. The greatest tradition one can ever have and pass down unto future generations is that of remembering Christ. When tracing and studying the culture of our spiritual genealogy we come to realize that over and ...