FREE 99 (plus faith)
Me and my best friends: President and Sister Teuscher Aloha family a me friends, Just as I told President Teuscher, this week Harlem was poppin. On the bus, I had a conversation with a man who told me that he makes about $10,000 a day by having these workshops teaching people 10 secrets to being successful in the business world or in other words things "not taught in college". He said since I was nice he would tell me a few tips. Basicalllyyy he talked about how you always need to be happy and always have the attitude to help others out. He gave me his card. Moments before we had to get off the bus I gave him our card and said, "Friend. Everything you just told me are things I have learned from living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These are things not learned in college but by experience. Give us a call sometime and let us teach you... free of charge ". Call me beep me if you wanna reach me ;) #nanaphones Sometimes we just look hashed and ...