Veggies, Exchanges, and Now I Do Know
Aloha family a me friends,
Comp unity has been pretty strong these past couple of weeks over here in New Rochelle 2nd Ward. Even though we had three exchanges this past week (sad because less time with Sister Eccles but good because double the work in our area haha), we went vegetarian for a week (just cuz can), didnt eat sugar, worked our butts off on the TRX bands in our gym, and then somehow both ended up getting sick on Saturday. Comp unity. Still strong. Haha.
Comp unity has been pretty strong these past couple of weeks over here in New Rochelle 2nd Ward. Even though we had three exchanges this past week (sad because less time with Sister Eccles but good because double the work in our area haha), we went vegetarian for a week (just cuz can), didnt eat sugar, worked our butts off on the TRX bands in our gym, and then somehow both ended up getting sick on Saturday. Comp unity. Still strong. Haha.
"I wish I knew then what I know now." Probably the biggest themes of my entire week. Monday evening had a little call with President to discuss basically all the skills that he wants his missionaries to be proficient in to be effective and bring down our missions teaching effectiveness (new people: people being baptized ratio). It came down to four basic groupings: finding skills, teaching skills, follow up skills, and planning skills. As he was going through these skills, I had two thoughts 1. Wow I need to first get my self good at these before I can help others and 2. I wish I had known this when I first started my mission.
The cool part about being in the assignment that I am in, is that I am able to learn so so so much from Sisters I serve. They each have their own strengths and together, collectively, they make this mission the mission that President wants and has in his vision. And as a "spreader of information" I have the opportunity to help these skills get passed down and spread throughout all the Sisters. President Teuscher, such a effective guy haha.
There is a time and place for everything. Time for me to learn and time for me to teach. But more so this whole experience, made me think what will I say a year, five years, 10 years from now. What will I say I wish I knew then what I know now....nice little reflecting moment again. Not only should we not procrastinate the day of our repentance but we should not procrastinate the day of learning. Now is the time to learn. Now is the time to fortify ourselves agains the temptations and whirlwinds that lie ahead of us. We learn day by day through experiences and we rely on the LORD in all things. We learn through study, faith, and action. We learn by the spirit and a testimony born to the heart by the spirit is a testimony embedded to stay.
45 And this is not all. Do ye not suppose that I know of these things myself? Behold, I testify unto you that I do know that these things whereof I have spoken are true. And how do ye suppose that I know of their surety?
46 Behold, I say unto you they are made known unto me by the Holy Spirit of God. Behold, I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself. And now I do know of myself that they are true; for the Lord God hath made them manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit; and this is the spirit of revelation which is in me.
I know that He has delivered me and will continue to as I place my trust in Him. Now I do know of the goodness of God and the infinite love He has for all of His children. Now I do know of God's divine design and wisdom in His doings. I love my Savior and I believe Him.
Randoms (theres a lot sorry):
1) A year ago when I was serving in the Bronx. I remember walking on Fordham Road and saying "Wow this would suck so much to drive here". Flashforward a year later, what am I doing? Driving on Fordham Road in the morning. Haha. Safe to say we survived and I'm getting more and more used to this New York driving ;)
2) Exchanges with Sister Reed on Tuesday! Even though she was feeling a little under the weather we still saw so many miracles. We looked up a less active member. He wasnt home so we left a note. A few hours later we get like 3 missed calls...from that member! He actually called back (which never happens). Turns out he stopped coming to church for the smallest thing, loves the missionaries, is from Sri Lanka, has a little family now...and I convinced him that he will HAVE to cook for us sometime! Part member families, so good!
3) Exchanges with Hermana Sears on Wednesday! Miracle for this exchange was in how bold this Hermana is with her finding. It was great. We were literally walking on the street and she looks over and sees this girl on a phone and Hermana Sears says "hey how are you?". The girls stops, finishes her call and actually starts telling us how she's been wanting a bible and freely gives us her phone and address. Little miracles.
4) Exchanges with Sister Dunne on Friday! Almost a year ago we were comps so it was a fun little reunion! To throw it back...we saw a Mister Softee's truck, got Thai food, and made it a bomb diggity day! Plans fell through and we ended up having time to go look up this less active family named the DUNNE family. Coincidence? I think not. The moment they saw Sister Dunnes name tag they fell in love with her and immediately had this connection. Not gonna lie, it was pretty sweet seeing as they werent super receptive to Sisters in the past. God's timing is so good. Thanks Sister Dunne, you the greatest \m/
5) If you are looking for a good solid facebook video...check out our facebook page We are pretty proud of a video we just made. Its actually my and share it please :) speaking of facebook. Tuesday we messaged someone, wednesday we called them on the phone, and thursday morning we visited this sweet Jamaican couple. Hands down one of the most spiritual lessons I have had on my mission.
6) Filipino Members. What more can I say? Haha. Yesterday, this member last minute invited us over for dinner. Comes out with a huge plate of pasta. Dishes half on my plate and half on my comps. Then leaves then comes back with all this rice, sausage, and egg. Puts it on our plates. Leaves. Comes back with like a ton of egg rolls. Puts it on our plates. Leaves. Comes back with all this pansit. Leaves. And is so concerned we dont have enough food. Then for dinner brings out all this fruit and homemade dessert and is excited for us to eat it. Hahaha. People are just too generous.
7) Friday on Sister Eccles and Stegall's exchange this lady on the street shouted "Mormons!" and tells them that she used to go to a Mormon church, so they assumed she was a member. Yesterday, we go over and turns out she is NOT a member and misses the glow she used to feel when she went to church and she was just telling her friend the other day she wants to get baptized. How crazy.
7) Sister Eccles and I are going on exchanges tomorrow in Staten Island to help with more effecttive finding! She will go with the Spanish sisters and I'll be with the English sisters. So stoked!
Me ke aloha,
Sister Ellis
Believe, Love, Do
P.s. prayers were answered. Its a beautiful 80 degrees outside now! No more 40s!