Confident Driving, Sisters, and Spam Musubi Skills
Aloha ko'u 'ohana a me ko'u hoaaloha! The moment my mission changed was the moment I understood confidence and how to be confident. There is a fine line that comes with confidence as it can easily lead to pride if you place your confidence and trust in yourself more than in the Lord. When we have confidence in the Savior we not only know that He will make up the difference, we know that will do it because He wants to. He loves us. We have written proof of the Savior's love as we study the Book of Mormon and Bible. "His arm of mercy is extended towards you in the light of the day" (Jacob 6:5), no matter how many mistakes we may have felt that we have made. Saturday morning during our personal study, Sister Eccles offered to fill up my water bottle. 40 minutes later, she is still "filling up my water". I hear some noises but just assume that she is cleaning up or something. She then walks in looking like the most bashful Sister ever and...