
Showing posts from November, 2018

Remembering: Rastas & Animals & Rain! Oh my!

Aloha Family a me Friends, For those of you who were wondering, about 50 percent of the people here celebrate Thanksgiving and use it as a time to get together with family and friends. But since it isnt a Bermudian holiday, school and work were all still in session so generally it felt like a normal day - however, spiced up with a little more gratitude and love in the air and in our hearts :)  Thanksgiving! What a great reminder we have to not only be grateful this time of the year but to  "live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon"  us (Alma 34:38). The day before we had a "miracle line" or a conference call with the whole mission and President Teuscher shared with us something that has stuck with him since he was in high school. When asked what are you thankful for in a Sunday School lesson, one of his classmates said: "The Gift of Remembrance".  Wow. Isn't that true but isnt that something ...

Wouldn't It Be Nice?

Setting up for the Relief Society Party! Look at the flowers we made Aloha family and friends! As the Beach Boys song goes: "Wouldn't it be nice if we..." du du du duh. Well. It would be nice if I could remember the words but at the moment my mission brain is in place and I can't. But wouldn't it be nice if we could just ask for anything and it would happen. Like hey, I want some bananas. Then they appear. That would be the dream. What I've found more often than not is works! It truly does! Haha. No I do not ask God for bananas but I do know  "that whoso believeth in Christ,  doubting nothing , whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him: and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth"  ( Mormon 9:21 ). Pretty cool scripture right? Probably one of my favorites right now.  Future too bright. Cant open my eyes. Hair in my face. Accurate description of my life.  If we doubt...

No Idear. Just Get In The Boat.

Aloha Family a me Friends, I have no idear where the time has even gone.  (Fun fact: People in Bermuda often add a "r" sound at the end of words. Kind of hard to explain if you aint over her ;) Anyways! This week we had zone conference and by zone conference I mean me and Sister Howells and the two Elders gathering at the senior couple's home and watching Zone Conference via videocalling into Queens, New York. We met Elder and Sister Haynie of the Seventy over videocall lol. It was like watching General Conference except they could see us and we could hear about half of what was going on. Nonetheless, the spirit is the teacher and speaks a universal language to our hearts whether or not wifi is strong. Sister Teuscher, along with the Spirit, shared a story that her father had told her from his mission; it was about his travels on the island of Tonga to neighboring island and getting stuck in a storm and having to get into a smaller boat. I'll s...

Neverthless...I didn't get lost in the Bermuda Triangle :)

Sister Howells and I on my first day here :) Aloha Family a me Friends! Bermuda is the most interesting place I have ever been in my life.  Oh. Sorry I didn't say "Good Afternoon!". If I were talking to a Bermudian right now, I would be called rude. It's no longer the "hello/hey whats up" to the people we pass on the street in Harlem. Everyone here says "good morning/good afternoon/good evening" and if you don't it is looked down upon. Everyone here is VERY proper. But they do have their own slang...its like pidgin but not. I'm still trying to pick up on it haha The island is tiny and is about 2 miles at its widest part and 23 miles long. There is a population of about 60,000 people. There are 175 churches on the island and the main religion is Seventh Day Adventist.  Me and my 20 lb bag of rice hahaha my comp got a kick out of it I can honestly say that I feel as though I changed missions haha went from driving on...