As a New Yorkian, I [truly] Stand All Amazed.
Me and Lisa! (See random #4) Aloha family a me friends! I. Am. Amazed. I truly am. Last week a close friend told me that if I were to open my mouth, be more uncomfortable, and talk to YSA people that I would be amazed. I held to the simple words he told me: "You will be amazed". And here I am telling you, I am. Selfies on selfies on selfies. :) Amazement #1 Sometimes when I open up my mouth, I am able to look straight into peoples' souls (aka eyes) and tell them our purpose boldly and get their contact information. And sometimes...just sometimes...I just start telling people who have lived here that they are "New Yorkians". Hahah yes. I am obviously not from here. It's ok, nine out of ten times I won't ever see these people again. I literally have nothing to loose. Head up, shoulders back, eyebrows as bold as my attitude and just keep going. I truly am amazed at the words that come out of my mouth. Truly am haha. Amazement #2...