All Here. All Now.
Manhattan STLs! Sister Rios, Sister Jensen, Sister Haws Aloha family a me friends! "The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives" -Russell M. Nelson Shoutout to Sister Sena for the ice cream :) More and more throughout my mission, I am learning that the joy that I feel is not from what is going around me but what I am focused on at the moment. As humans, we are constantly wandering and wondering which takes us away from the here and now. I've noticed that we always see the grass greener on the other side. We often are guilty of saying things such as "once I do this....then this will happen" or "I can't wait until this...". There is a fine line that we must live by as people and if played wrong, we could take away from our capabilities, capacities, and potential. If we allow ourselves to be pulled away to daydreaming in the future, we are missing out on SO ...